Warning’s for Gore / Death D8
Dragon Delusion: Seraphinus’s Retribution Pg10
Warning’s for Gore / Death
Dragon Delusion: Seraphinus’s Retribution Pg9
D:< Seraphinus uses telepathy to speak to the Dragon Hunter since he is physically unable to speak human language – all the dragons in this comic have telepathy but they can’t see the minds of other dragons.
Dragon Delusion: Seraphinus’s Retribution Pg8
He’s catching uuup~~! D: Let’s assume they buried the dead guy’s body somewhere, it’s just one of those details that are unnecessary since it has no effect on the plot.
Dragon Delusion: Seraphinus’s Retribution Pg4
Warning’s for Gore / Death also – those guys are dragon hunters, they’re pretty experienced, and their weapons are made from dragon bone(teeth, horns, claws etc), the only thing that can pierce the scales of a dragon. and that guy is pretty much dead btw.
Dragon Delusion: Seraphinus’s Retribution pg2
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