Some background information and stats on the characters found in Dragon Delusion.
SeraphinusSeraphinus (pronounced seh-rah-fee-nus) Gender: male Abilities / Powers: fire dragon Personality: hotheaded and brash, a bit macho-ish at times but it's mostly to compensate for/mask his sensitive side Comics: 11 |
Dragon HuntersProfessional Sell-Swords experienced in or at least well educated in the techniques of Dragon Slaying and dragon poaching. They use dragon remains - scales, bones, horns, teeth and claws to craft their weapons and armour to overcome the dragon's defences to normal earthly weapons. Comics: 7 |
EiraEira: - DECEASED -(pronounced Ey-rah -Welsh for snow) Gender: female. Abilities/Powers: Ice dragon. They blast freezing cold air at their opponent, the intensity of which, can freeze prey animals solid in a matter of seconds. Personality: sharp tongued/witty, bossy/controlling, nurturing. Comics: 6 |
The HatchlingsThe three children of Seraphinus and Eira - slain by Dragon Hunters Comics: 6 |
villagersComics: 2 |